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Why is there CANANG in front of the door in bali houses?

Why is there CANANG in front of the door in bali houses?
Why is there CANANG in front of the door in bali houses?
Why is there CANANG in front of the door in bali houses?

Canang Sari holds a special place in Balinese culture and spirituality. These small, square or round palm-leaf baskets filled with colorful flowers are daily offerings found in front of houses, shops, and temples across Bali. Let’s delve into the significance and philosophy behind Canang Sari:

  1. Symbol of Thankfulness: The phrase Canang Sari is derived from Balinese words: “sari” (essence) and “canang” (a small palm-leaf basket). These offerings symbolize gratitude and thankfulness to the Hindu god, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa, for the peace bestowed upon the world.
  2. Colorful Flowers and Their Meanings:
    • White Flowers (Iswara): Pointing east, they symbolize Iswara, one of the primary forms of God (also known as Shiva or Mahadeva).
    • Red Flowers (Brahma): Pointing south, they represent Brahma, the progenitor or great grandsire of all human beings.
    • Yellow Flowers (Mahadeva): Pointing west, they signify Mahadeva (meaning “Great god”), associated with Shiva.
    • Blue or Green Flowers (Vishnu): Pointing north, they symbolize Vishnu, the preserver within the Hindu Trinity.
  3. Placement and Purpose:
    • Specific Spots: Each Canang Sari is placed at specific spots around the home, including wells, entrances, fires, granaries, crops, livestock, and altars.
    • Essentials of Life: These offerings appreciate the essentials of life that we rely on daily.
    • Environmental Philosophy: Hinduism in Bali emphasizes the relationship between humanity and the environment. Whatever comes from nature must return to nature.
  4. Ritual and Removal:
    • Daily Offering: Canang Sari is offered every day as a form of gratitude.
    • One-Night Stay: Normally, it remains for one night after being prayed and offered before being replaced with a new one.

In summary, Canang Sari reflects the deep spiritual connection between the Balinese people and their land, honoring the divine and maintaining balance in the universe. 🌿🙏🏼