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Why is Bali so crowded?

Why Bali is so crowded?

Why is Bali so crowded?
Why is Bali so crowded?

Bali’s popularity compared to other parts of Indonesia can be attributed to a combination of factors. These include heavy promotion of Bali, ease of accessibility, safety perceptions, and the challenges involved in getting to other Indonesian destinations. The island’s breathtaking scenery, rich culture, affordability, and vibrant atmosphere draw in tourists year after year. However, managing the influx of visitors remains a challenge to ensure Bali’s long-term sustainability. Additionally, factors like traffic congestion due to obstructions and illegal parking contribute to the island’s crowded feel. 🌴🌊

Rini Ali
Rini Ali

Explore more about Bali with me! Rini Ali +495678745726 Jl. Raya Besang Gg. Sema Bikul, Br. Pikat, Ababi, Kec. Abang Kab. Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia.