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What to do in Buleleng?

What to do in Buleleng?

What to do in Buleleng?
What to do in Buleleng?

Buleleng, located in North Bali, offers a plethora of exciting activities and natural wonders. Whether you’re an adventure seeker or prefer serene exploration, there’s something for everyone. Here are some delightful experiences to consider:

  1. Sekumpul Waterfalls: Embark on a trek to witness the awe-inspiring Sekumpul Waterfalls. Surrounded by lush greenery, these falls are a sight to behold.
  2. Buyan Lake: Enjoy the tranquility of Buyan Lake, nestled amidst forested mountains. The serene ambiance makes it an ideal spot for relaxation and scenic views.
  3. Pemuteran Beach: Head to Pemuteran Beach for sun, sand, and sea. The calm waters are perfect for swimming and snorkeling.
  4. Wanagiri Hidden Hills: Explore this area, which offers numerous Instagrammable spots. Capture stunning views of the hills and nearby lakes.
  5. Labuhan Kebo Waterfall: Located near Munduk Village, this natural attraction is a peaceful spot for nature lovers.
  6. Waterslide Lemukih: For an adrenaline rush, try canyoning down the waterslide at Lemukih.
  7. Tirta Buana Waterfall: Discover the beauty of Tirta Buana Waterfall, surrounded by lush vegetation.
  8. Blue Lagoon Waterfall: Another enchanting waterfall worth visiting in Buleleng.

Whether you’re chasing waterfalls, exploring lakes, or simply soaking in the natural beauty, Buleleng promises an unforgettable experience! 🌴🏞️🌊

Rini Ali
Rini Ali

Explore more about Bali with me! Rini Ali +495678745726 Jl. Raya Besang Gg. Sema Bikul, Br. Pikat, Ababi, Kec. Abang Kab. Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia.