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Is foreigner allowed to run a business in Bali?

Is foreigner allowed to run a business in Bali?
Is foreigner allowed to run a business in Bali?
Is foreigner allowed to run a business in Bali?

Yes, foreigners can start a business in Bali. However, there are some restrictions on the types of businesses that foreigners can start. Foreigners can establish a business in Bali if it falls within a sector that is open to foreign investment. The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) publishes a list of sectors that are accessible to foreign investment. Here are the essential steps for starting a business in Bali as a foreigner:

  1. Choose a Business Activity:
    • Begin by selecting a business activity that aligns with your interests and goals. Visit the BKPM website to find a list of permitted business activities for foreigners in Indonesia.
  2. Determine the Legal Entity:
    • In Indonesia, foreigners have two primary options for the legal entity of their business:
      • PT PMA (Foreign-Owned Limited Liability Company): This is the most common choice. It allows full ownership of your company, employment of foreigners, and sponsorship for business visas.
      • CV (Limited Liability Partnership): Another option, but it has certain limitations.
  3. Register Your Business:
    • Once you’ve chosen your business activity and legal entity, register your business with the relevant authorities.
  4. Obtain a Business License:
    • Depending on your business type, you may need specific licenses or permits. Consult with legal professionals to ensure compliance.
  5. Get a Tax Identification Number (NPWP):
    • Obtain an NPWP for tax purposes.
  6. Open a Business Bank Account:
    • Set up a local business bank account to manage financial transactions.
  7. Secure a Business Visa:
    • As a business owner, you’ll need a business visa to stay and operate in Indonesia.

Remember to do thorough research, seek professional guidance, network with locals, and practice patience during the process. Bali offers various business opportunities for foreigners, so explore the possibilities and turn your dream into reality! 🌴📈💼